
8153022006_885b9dfba6As medical malpractice attorneys, we handle a wide variety of cases. Typically, we hear from clients who have been directly injured by a medical professional or, in some cases, have children who have been injured. In other instances, we must determine if something could have been inadvertently caused by a medical professional. Such is the case in some car accidents. What may come as a surprise to many people is that car accidents, in specific cases, can be considered a form of medical malpractice. But how?

Normally, a car accident is caused by a driver. Someone is speeding, someone is driving recklessly or someone is intoxicated. There are a variety of reasons that people are involved in accidents. In some cases, the cause of an accident occurs well before the collision. This is the case when a car accident is considered a form of medical malpractice. Here is what happens.

Example 1:



Cry-babyWhen a doctor decides to perform a cesarean section it is often after much deliberation. A cesarean section is a serious medical procedure that is not performed lightly. When a vaginal birth is considered too dangerous for the infant of the mother, a doctor will determine that a cesarean section is the best decision for all involved.

A cesarean section can have many impacts on the future health of the mother and child. It is therefor recommended that the surgery only be performed when absolutely necessary and under the safest conditions possible. A C-section should only be performed when medically appropriate or when requested by a well-informed patient.

Unfortunately, cesarean sections are performed incorrectly on an all too frequent basis. When this occurs, the medical provider can be held accountable for any injuries or conditions that arise as a result of the surgery. Cesareans have saved millions of lives around the world since they were first performed. They have also harmed countless numbers. According to some doctors and other medical professionals, C-sections are being performed too routinely and for the wrong reasons.


Adjustable_Gastric_BandGastric bypass surgery has long been suggested as a way for individuals to lose a substantial amount of weight fairly quickly. Those who are severely overweight and have had no luck with traditional diet and exercise turn to the surgery as a final solution.

The invasive procedure has taken on different forms. Typically, the stomach is rerouted in some way so that food and beverages bypass the normal route of route through the body. People who have had the surgery are only able to eat small amounts and caloric intake is restricted. The result is rapid weight loss. Unfortunately, this invasive surgery does not always have a positive outcome.

Many surgeons advertise on the web or in print publications that they are able  and willing to perform gastric bypass surgery. While many are highly qualified and more than capable, some aren’t. Because people first decide that they want the surgery and then search for a doctor, many patients find doctors who should not be performing the surgery at all. It is important to note that any surgeon should be researched prior to being chosen.



Thousands of people undergo surgery across the country every day. Many people put their full trust in their medical team and accept that a surgery is necessary without question. Unfortunately, thousands find that a surgery is performed unnecessarily or incorrectly and must live with the consequences.

You are your own health advocate. You have every right to question your medical team and, in the case of surgery, there are definite questions that should be asked. Here are just a few of the more typical questions that should be posed to your medical team before you go under the knife.

1. Experience



768px-Al-Qaida_cr%C3%A9e_une_brigade_dirig%C3%A9e_par_des_Touaregs_(8246938011)It was recently determined that the federal government owes absolutely nothing to a man in New York. The man, now in prison for his part in aiding al Qaeda, sued for $7 million in damages for a medical malpractice case. He claimed that he was injured after being taken into custody.

According to reports, Wesam El-Hanafi, 40, claimed that doctors at the federal prison in which he was housed failed to diagnose a blood clot in his leg. The failure to treat resulted in deep vein thrombosis and severe pain. El-Hanafi claimed that the 16-hour flight to Washington caused the blood clot and that doctors both failed to diagnose and treat the condition in a timely fashion.

Defense attorneys were able to prove that ultrasounds taken showed that the condition was in its early stages. They also proved that El-Hanafi’s condition was hereditary and that doctors could have done nothing to prevent it.

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by,_pediatrician,_checks_a_young_boy%5Ersquo,s_vital_signs_onboard_the_hospital_ship_USNS_Mercy_(T-AH_19).jpgIf you are a new parent, you may not yet understand the close relationship that you will develop with your child’s pediatrician. This medical professional will be your source of information when your child is sick, and they will help you understand all of the milestones you should be watching for. Selecting the right pediatrician is important and should not be taken lightly.

Think of choosing a pediatrician like shopping for anything else. You want to make sure the doctor is the right fit and will meet your expectations. Here are five questions to ask a pediatrician to help decide if they are the right one for you and your child.

1. What hospital are you affiliated with?



383476178_8fe0f5e767_o_dA family in Massachusetts was awarded nearly $30 million in a medical malpractice claim after they filed a civil suit claiming their baby suffered permanent injury at the hands of negligent medical staff.

According to the suit, Dr. David Seubert was negligent in the care he provided to Jeniah Gallego, now 11 years old, the child of Jeanette Guitierrez and Luis Gallego. The suite was filed in 2011, 7 years after the birth of the girl who now does not walk or talk, is fed through a tube, and cannot see.

In the suit, one of the six doctors originally named was removed and four were found to not have been negligent. Only one doctor was found to be responsible for the lasting injuries suffered by the child.  According to the suit, the medical team failed to do several things correctly, including assessing test results properly and performing a cesarean section when needed.

by, OH — An auto repair shop owner in Marion County, Ohio, has found himself in hot water after refusing to pay workers’ compensation premiums. Randy Gates, the owner of Gator’s Auto Repair and Towing, was sentenced for the refusal.

According to reports, it was discovered that Gates was operating his business with employees but was not complying with workers’ compensation laws. The man was investigated twice before on the same issue. The Employer Fraud Team has had its eye on Gates and finally got the conviction it was looking for.

The EFT attempted to work with Gates to bring him into compliance with laws. The business owner refused to comply. Gates would not provide officials with past payroll reports that were deemed necessary to calculate his insurance premiums. Gates also failed to pay towards an outstanding balance that he has with the Bureau of Workers Compensation.

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by Army Medical Center has been ordered to pay $9 million to a family as the result of its settlement of a medical malpractice suit. Rather than take the case to court and attempt to defend itself, the medical center has agreed to settle with the family affected by its mistake.

According to the suit filed, a woman was transported to the hospital in September of 2010. Her medical history was known to the staff as was her increased risk of uterine rupture. Despite knowing her history, a first-year doctor failed to summon help when the woman’s uterus ruptured.

As a result of the rupture, oxygen was cut off to the unborn child, leaving him with cerebral palsy and brain damage. The child is permanently disabled and will require constant medical assistance for the remainder of his life.



Newborn_baby_(May_7,_2005)Birth injuries are not as uncommon as people may think. In fact, they are often a part of the normal birthing process. A great number of newborns have minor injuries at birth and many of those injuries resolve without treatment. What is more uncommon, though, is for infants to have severe or traumatic injuries at birth. In these cases, a medical malpractice suit is often filed. Here are four birth injuries that are considered to be severe in nature.

Brain Injury

In most births, the baby enters the canal head first. Swelling of the scalp is not uncommon. What is unusual is when one of the skull bones fracture or there is bleeding on the brain. These injuries are incredibly serious and must be taken so.

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