
Spinal_readjustment_3Two women died on the operating table at Harborview Medical Center in Washington state. Their families are suing the surgeon and the hospital itself, claiming medical malpractice.

According to reports that have been released, Reba Golden was building an addition on her home in Honduras. She fell two floors to the ground, hurting her back in the accident. She returned to Seattle to undergo spinal surgery in 2007. During the surgery, she suffered with blood clots and bleeding and did not make it off of the table.

A second patient, Joan Bryant, had been involved in a car accident in 1990. Some 19 years later, she sought relief from a spinal surgeon in Seattle. She, too, never made it off of the table. She bled out before the surgery was completed.

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11290308035_62b4bcd8ca_bWhen parents welcome a child into the world, they do so with visions of happy children, respectful teenagers and successful adults. But what happens when a child is injured at birth? Finding out that your child has special needs can initially dash the hopes that you had. The good news is that one you are able to absorb the fact that your child may not behave or learn typically, they will be successful in their own right.

Educating your special needs child may not be as simple as enrolling them in public school and putting them on the bus. You have a variety of options for your child, and one of these options may be better suited to your little one’s needs than another. Knowing these options can help you determine what is right for your child.


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Supreme_court_preview_2007The health of our families is sacred. Most of us would do anything we could to protect the health and well being of our loved ones. When a medical professional is negligent in their duties, causing injury to ourselves or the people we love, we want to seek compensation. For many, a court case is the answer. For some, a court case is a losing battle. Here are five things to consider before you decide to file suit.

1. Cost

Take a case to court is expensive, especially when you consider that there is no guarantee that you will win. The court is a disinterested third party. They do not care about your family the way that you do, and they will impartially consider only the facts.



24233878371_038b4c923f_o_dCerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most common birth injuries in the United States, but very little has been written about the financial costs associated with it. Caring for infants and children with cerebral palsy can be very expensive and, in a majority of cases, that care does not end when the child reaches adulthood.

Family Expenses

The average lifetime family expense associated with CP can be close to a million dollars. Children who have additional, associated disabilities, will cost more. Children with CP and intellectual disabilities, for example, can cost over $1 million. It is important to remember that each child is different and the necessities of their care will not be the same.

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Cesarean sections are a surgical birthing process chosen by medical professionals at alarmingly high rates. C-sections are known to be risky, and research has shown that many of these procedures are performed too early in labor or for reasons that were unnecessary. Before you enter the hospital to deliver your baby, here are risks of c-section that you should be aware of.

1. Uterine Infection

After a c-section, many women contract an infection of the membrane lining of the uterus. This is called endometritis and can cause uterine pain, fever, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

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Cesarean births are not without their risk. C-sections are much more risky than natural births as they are a surgical procedure. While some cannot be avoided, as in cases where the mother’s or child’s life is in danger, some medical providers rush to judgement too quickly, performing C-sections that are unnecessary. Here are five tips to help you avoid a first-time c-section.

1. Choose Your Doctor Wisely

You want to be very careful when choosing your OB/GYN for a variety of reasons. Your health, your child’s health and your successful birthing process are all great reasons to be picky when it comes to your doctor. Before you make a final choice, find out about the provider’s c-section rate. If it is high, you may want to continue your search.

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Psychiatric negligence is a unique form of medical malpractice. Patients may see their complaints go unreported. At Bottar Law, we are here to make sure that patients and their families are not only heard, but that they get any compensation they are due. Here’s what you need to know.

Malpractice Claims

The most typical psychiatric medical malpractice claims include:



Temazepam_10mg_tablets-1Last week, a jury in Alabama returned a $20 million verdict against a local rehabilitation hospital.

According to reports, an Etowah County jury determined that a woman had received an overdose of opiates while a patient at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital. Even though the opiates were non-prescription, the overdose caused the woman to suffer with decreased neurological and cognitive abilities. The overdose occurred in July of 2011.

The woman, Doris Green, passed away on October 22, 2011. Her death was a proximate result of a reaction to the opiates she was given at the rehab facility.

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Assorted_pharmaceuticals_by_LadyofProcrastinationOn May 11, 2016, an appeals court in Pennsylvania upheld a $3 million verdict against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson was found liable in a birth injury case filed by a mother who had taken Topamax during her pregnancy.

Parents Kelly and Brian Anderson sued the pharmaceutical company in the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia county. Their daughter was born in 2008 with a cleft lip and palate. In the case, the jury found that Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. failed to warn medical professionals of the risk of birth injuries during the first trimester of pregnancy when mothers took Topamax.

The pharmaceutical company fought the ruling in appeals court and lost again. At appeal, the company argued that they were unable to change labeling without approval from the FDA. The three-judge panel disagreed, telling the pharmaceutical giant that they could have warned medical professionals without changing the label.

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You know your body. You know your moles. You also know when a mole suddenly appears or an old mole changes shape. These are both indicators that you should see your physician or a dermatologist sooner rather than later. Instances of skin cancer are on the rise and, left untreated, can be deadly.

If you are like thousands of patients in the United States, you make an appointment with your doctor. You are asked to put on a gown and the doctor begins a visual screening of your skin. They are looking for “suspicious” growths or abnormalities. Unfortunately, visual screenings may not be adequate despite how frequently doctors rely on them.

According to the U.S Preventative Services Task Force, there is little benefit to visual cancer screenings. This is especially true for adults and any patients who are not showing symptoms of cancer. There is no evidence that suggests that these types of screenings have any effect on the rate of death in patients with various types of skin cancer.

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