
Dr_Amir_Karam_Performing_Mini_Facelift_01Just three short years ago, people in America spent more than $7 billion on cosmetic, or plastic, surgery. Surgeries range from rhinoplasty to augmentation and are typically performed with no issue or incident. Unfortunately, any time you go under the knife, you are putting yourself at risk. Plastic surgery is not without complication in some cases. If you are lucky, your complications are easily treated. In the most extreme cases, these complications lead to death.

Here are the five most common complications arising from cosmetic surgery:

1. Hematoma



The most current legislative sessions in the state came to an end just over a week ago. At least one piece of legislation was not taken to a vote, making it the second year that the bill died in session. Lavern’s Law, the bill in question, would ultimately change the way that medical malpractice cases are handled in the state.

Currently, there is no date of discovery law in New York. In our state, the statute of limitations for a medical malpractice suit begins at the time of misdiagnosis. In other state that utilize date of discovery, the time limit begins when the misdiagnosis or injury is discovered. This can make a vast different in the right that someone has to file suit.

People in the medical establishment argue that states who utilize date of discovery also put a cap on total damages, something New York does not want to do. Even though the sate Assembly passed Lavern’s Law last year, the Senate has failed to pass it. This year, nothing was done with the bill at all.

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Loposuktion-AspiratA woman in Chicago filed a lawsuit in Cook County Circuit Court on June 9, naming Present St. Joseph Hospital-Chicago, Dr. Florence Mussat and Presence Chicago Hospitals Network as negligent in injuries she suffered.

According to the complaint, Sharrone M. Travis had liposuction performed on her buttocks. Her lawyers are alleging that surgeons performed the procedure improperly. They are also alleging that hospital staff failed to adequately check on Travis after the procedure. Both of these things contributed to a necrotizing infection post-surgery which caused severe pain.

The plaintiff is seeking at least $50,000 in damages, which is the jurisdictional limitation of the court. She is also seeking court costs. When the lawsuit will begin is unknown at this time.

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Emergency_Room_(18359923719)Just last week, a Supreme Court jury found two doctors and a hospital liable in the death of a man after ignoring his symptoms.

According to court documents and other reports released, Walter Friedlander, 63, was admitted to Kingston Hospital on February 13, 2011 after presumably suffering with pain and discomfort. Friedlander was seen first by Dr. Doug Heller, an internist. A gastroenterologist, Dr. Nicholas Golden, was later brought in as a consultant. Unfortunately, the two doctors never communicated with one another, and neither doctor returned to diagnose Friedlander.

Friedlander’s family’s lawyers said that the man was never treated, nor did anyone call him after his release to see how he was feeling. The gentleman died on February 15, 2011 due to a severe infection.

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14419446729_9bb31954b6_bADHD medications are, in some people’s opinion, too freely prescribed to children today. Knowing that the disorder is commonly misdiagnosed should set off alarm bells in your head if your pediatrician mentions ADHD in conjunction with your child. Do not accept the diagnosis at face value. Here are several questions to ask your doctor whether they have diagnosed your child or are strongly considering the diagnosis of ADHD.

1. Could it be something else?

Ask your doctor how they have come to the diagnosis of ADHD. Question whether or not your child’s symptoms could point to a different diagnosis, and find out how other disorders or illnesses have been ruled out.



Ritalin_Uno_Danish_VersionChildren diagnosed with ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, may not have the disorder at all. That is because ADHD is the most commonly misdiagnosed behavioral disorder among children under the age of 18. Why? Because ADHD mimics so many other disorders.

Bipolar Disorder

It is surprisingly difficult to distinguish between ADHD and bipolar disorder. The two share several symptoms, including mood instability, restlessness, outbursts, impatience and talkativeness. ADHD affects attention and behavior, while bipolar disorder affects the mood.



Operating_room_anesthetic_stationIn Montgomery County, Ohio, a jury awarded $6 million to a man after he filed suit against Good Samaritan Hospital and Dr. Cheryl Gill.

According to the lawsuit, the man’s wife passed away due to a gestational hypertension stroke. Dr. Gill failed to diagnose pre-eclampsia and eclampsia while the woman was pregnant. She died in 2009 after an emergency Cesarean section. The attorney’s for the man said that Dr. Gill was not qualified to handle pregancies involving complications.

The lawsuit further stated that the woman had been discharged from the hospital while she was exhibiting symptoms. Her release was approved even though her symptoms were worsening. The woman was brought back to the hospital and was not visited by Dr. Gill.

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Brachial_plexus_anterior_view_nervesYou gave birth to your child after months of waiting. Shortly after a difficult birth, you discovered that your child had suffered a brachial plexus injury. What exactly is this injury and how will it affect your child?

How Brachial Plexus Injuries Happen

There is a cluster of nerves that send signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm and hand. This is called the brachial plexus. During the birthing process, the infant’s shoulder may bet caught, or the doctor may use too much force to assist the infant in emerging from the birth canal. When either of these things happen, the nerves can be pulled or torn.

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Chemotherapy_ivA doctor in Oakland County was previously sentenced to 45 years in prison for putting patients through treatments they didn’t need. He didn’t do this to just a few patients, according to court records, but hundreds. Dr. Farid Fata chose to appeal his sentence and a judge denied that appeal.

According to the appeal, Fata’s attorneys focused on the way that the sentencing guidelines were calculated. His attorney’s also questioned whether or not it was proper to allow the number of large number of victims to speak in court. The appeals court handed down a 3-0 decision that the doctor’s attorney’s arguments had no merit.

In 2014, Fata pleaded guilty to money laundering, fraud and conspiracy. According to prosecutors, there were 553 victims along with several insurance companies. Insurers and Medicare together paid out at least $17 million for treatments. Patients who were told that they had cancer and opted to undergo chemotherapy were given excessive treatments.

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by matter how smoothly your pregnancy is going, you can still experience complications during delivery. Your doctor is prepared to handle these complications as is the hospital you have chosen. Here are some complications that tend to be more common than others.

1. Premature Delivery

One of the greatest fears parents face is a baby that is delivered too early.  A baby who is born before it has had a chance to mature inside the womb may have lungs that are underdeveloped and other issues that make survival uncertain.  Women are typically pregnant for 40 weeks before giving birth. Any baby born before 37 weeks is considered premature.

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