Family Awarded $53 Million for Medical Malpractice


wheelchair-1463041051MaLA mother filed a lawsuit against the University of Chicago Medical Center, claiming that her son was born with a brain injury due to several missteps taken by medical professionals. A Cook County jury heard the mother’s case and believed her. The jury awarded the family $53 million.

According to reports, the award went to Lisa and Isaiah Ewing and included $28.8 million for the future care needs of the 12-year-old boy. Isaiah requires the use of a wheelchair due to severe cerebral palsy. He also requires his mother to clothe and feed him on a daily basis. John Kirkton, a reporter in Chicago, said that it is the biggest birth injury verdict the county has seen.

Several mistakes were made by doctors and nurses when Ewing went to the hospital at 40 weeks pregnant. She went to the hospital because she noticed that her baby was moving less. Medical staff, according to the lawsuit, failed to properly monitor the mother and child, did not perform a timely c-section, and lacked awareness of abnormal rates of the fetal heartbeat.

Ewing detailed the care she is required to provide for her child in both court proceedings and a news conference. She has to feed, clothe and carry her child and will have to do so for the rest of his life.

If you believe that you or your child suffered injury during birth in New York, call our office. A member of our team will review the details of your case and advise you if are due compensation under current law. Call now for assistance.

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