One of the most important infections to be aware of is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. This type of infection is so worrisome because it is resistant to many antibiotics. It is a type of staph infection that can take weeks or months to heal. It can also lead to death. In many cases, doctors realize that MRSA is the issue only when it is too late to treat.
Other types of staph infections are also cause for concern. Though these types of infections are minor, they are still not something one should have to deal with simply because they were treated in a hospital. Some people who contract a staph infection may deal with flu-like symptoms. Others may deal with serious complications such as pneumonia or other severe illnesses. People with weakened immune systems are the most susceptible to complications from staph infections.
Here is when contracting a staph infection in a hospital could lead to a medical malpractice claim.
Delay in Treatment
A hospital may not have treated or failed to diagnose a staph infection in a timely manner.
Surgical Neglect
People are particularly at risk for staph infections during surgery. You may have been given an inadequate blood supply, dead space may have been left and collected bacteria, or debris may have come into contact with an open wound.
Lack of Sterilization
The hospital may have failed to sterilize instruments or the operating room. Medical staff may have failed to sterilize hands or clothing. A lack of sterilization could have led to the development of a staph infection.
If you believe that you contracted a staph infection, MRSA or otherwise, during your hospital stay, contact our offices. We will review the details of your case and advise you how to proceed. We want to help get you the compensation you may be entitled to by law. Call now.