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Family Awarded $4.65 Million

Emergency_Room_(18359923719)Just last week, a Supreme Court jury found two doctors and a hospital liable in the death of a man after ignoring his symptoms.

According to court documents and other reports released, Walter Friedlander, 63, was admitted to Kingston Hospital on February 13, 2011 after presumably suffering with pain and discomfort. Friedlander was seen first by Dr. Doug Heller, an internist. A gastroenterologist, Dr. Nicholas Golden, was later brought in as a consultant. Unfortunately, the two doctors never communicated with one another, and neither doctor returned to diagnose Friedlander.

Friedlander’s family’s lawyers said that the man was never treated, nor did anyone call him after his release to see how he was feeling. The gentleman died on February 15, 2011 due to a severe infection.

It took the jury of five only an hour or two to determine that the doctors and the hospital were responsible for the man’s death. The award was given for pain and suffering on the part of the family. After the jury’s decision was announced, a hospital spokesperson said, “We disagree with the jury’s verdict and will make a motion to set it aside. We also reserve the option to file an appeal.”

If you believe that yourself or a loved one has been injured at the hands of a medical professional in New York, please call our office. A member of our team will review the details of your case at no cost to you. We are here to help you and your family as you move forward with your lives, call now.

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