A medical malpractice trial involving the family of a woman who died shortly after childbirth came to an end last week. The judge in the trial declared that it would stop after an attorney made a statement suggesting that the doctor involved in the case had played “Russian roulette” with…
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice
Needle Left in Back of Missouri Woman
Imagine living with pain. Many of us can’t imagine it. Others of us struggle with it every day of our lives. Now imagine visiting a doctor to seek relief from that pain, only to leave the office worse than when you walked in. That is exactly what happened to a…
Elder Abuse Prompts Florida Lawsuit
A lawsuit has been filed in Florida claiming a woman was subjected to maggots as she lie in an intensive care unit. According to the family, there are medical records that prove the woman, Dorothy Mooneyham, 75, had maggots in her mouth, nasal airway and high on at least three…
Judge Refuses to Seal Huge Verdict
In 2009, a mother lost her twins. Jo Ann Page of Archbald, Pennsylvania ultimately filed suit against Physicians Health Alliance of Carbondale, Francis Hamm, M.D., Michael J. Kush, M.D., and Moses Taylor Hospital. In what ordinarily would have been kept in the closet, a judge disclosed the amount of the…
Not Using Medical Interpreters Could Lead to Medical Malpractice
Many of us take for granted that when we walk into a hospital, doctor’s office or pharmacy that we are going to be able to clearly communicate with a medical professional. But what would happen if our native language was something other than English? For example: In December 2012, a…
Protecting Aging Parents From Medical Malpractice
The elderly in our country are the biggest consumers of medical care. As we age, we need medical professionals more and more. Because senior citizens are more likely to visit a doctor than other people, they are also more likely to become the victims of medical malpractice. Fortunately, there are…
Misdiagnosis of Diabetes Can Be Dangerous
Diagnosing diabetes is not difficult for most doctors. Getting the right diagnosis, however, can be. How is that so? With the number of people newly diagnosed with diabetes on the rise, reports have surfaced that some people are being misdiagnosed with Type 2 diabetes when they actually have Type 1.…
Celebrity Medical Malpractice Cases
Medical error and negligence does not only occur among the average citizen. The famous are not immune to the risks of improper medical care. When it comes to celebrities and medical malpractice, there may be some that immediately pop into your mind…Michael Jackson, for instance…and some that you haven’t heard…
Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Worth the Risk?
Gastric bypass procedures are done on a daily basis around the country. For many people, the surgery is a last effort in the long battle to lose weight. Medical mistakes can occur during any surgery, but the risk of mistake rises with the level of complication surrounding the procedure. Because…
Recent Cases of Medical Malpractice
Medical mistakes happen on a daily basis. Mistakes are often simple in nature and take very little to make right. Unfortunately in some cases, the error or negligence causes permanent injury and, worse, death. Here are some of the worst cases of medical malpractice in recent years. 1. Double Amputee…