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$8.78 Verdict in Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Case

4286179535_4dec419202_bA man who lost the lower parts of both of his legs has been awarded nearly $9 million in what an attorney has called the largest malpractice verdict in the history of Butler County, Pennsylvania.

According to court documents, Todd Wogan suffered from a colovesical fistula. He went to Butler Memorial Hospital in January 2012 to undergo a procedure to repair the condition. Wogan required a follow-up surgery later that same month. In that procedure, doctors removed 6 inches of Wogan’s colon.

Wogan never fully recovered after the second procedure. Wogan visited the hospital multiple times until he was finally admitted again in March 2012. It was hours before Wogan’s surgeon was advised of his condition and by the time an exploratory procedure was begun, Wogan’s colon was leaking fluid into his abdomen.

As a result of prolonged septic shock, the blood flow to Wogan’s legs was cut off and he developed gangrene in both feet. Doctors had to amputate Wogan’s legs beneath the knee in order to save his life.

After listening to the facts of the case, the jury determined that the Butler Health System was 100 percent liable for negligence.

If you believe that you or a loved one has suffered as a result of medical negligence or error in New York, you have rights under the law. You may be eligible for compensation for medical bills, lost wages and more. Call our team of medical malpractice attorneys for a free case evaluation today. We will review the details of your injury and advise you of the options available to you.

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